What is StuFF?

StuFF is the student council of the faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences at UGent. StuFF is a faculty contact point for students and a consultation platform between student representatives who sit on faculty councils and committees, as well as unites the annually responsible persons. "stuvers" (= "studentenvertegenwoordigers" or the dutch word for student representatives) vouch for students in defending their interests and problems. In this way, "stuvers" are involved in the policy of the programme and in the faculty. Quality education and cooperation between students are therefore our core business. On the other hand, there is also a strong focus on representation within the Ghent Student Council. StuFF also organises projects such as the "Meter- en peteravond" and the Student Research Symposium.

Contact us

For general questions and remarks you can always mail to StuFF@UGent.be or send a message via our facebook page! https://www.facebook.com/StudentenraadFaculteitFarmacie/